Solved the CTD on Linux, no more need for -threads=1 workaround.Tribals now properly get access to crown authority laws when they convert.Fixed crash while hovering the call all allies button in observer.The Adopt Feudalism and Form Merchant Republic decisions are now divided into two part * one that is taken to adopt the new government form and upgrade the capital, and a second one that is taken to upgrade the remaining holdings.Norse fleets can now travel through major rivers as intended.Fixed bug where the realm capital did not properly use the patrician elective law.Fixed crash in law view when republics did not have all patrician slots filled.Resolved crash when opening war overview window in a revolt war.Fixed bug where it was not possible to hand out viceroyalties after reloading the game.Fixed bug where the Straighten Up decision could be taken again after 7 days.

Muslims are now more likely to become decadent, especially dynasty members of larger realms.Fixed OOS in multiplayer if all players did not have Charlemagne enabled.Tweaked Gavelkind succession to take no heed of what heirs will inherit from outside your realm.Tweaked Gavelkind succession to focus more on the current capital duchy region for the primary heir rather than the "preferred" capital.Fixed an issue where adventurers would no longer spawn fleets correctly.Disabled the Depose Liege CB and the Weaken Fellow Vassal plots for not working well enough.Fixed CTD in Religion Tab if you do not own sons of abraham.Decadence now negatively affect your vassal limit.Enabled several additional tribe holding pictures ( including looted variants ).Fixed bug where tribals becoming patricians did not properly enact the patrician elective law.Fixed bug where all event spawned troops that scaled on a target was MUCH larger than supposed to.Fixed bug where religion conversion reset succession and crown laws.Christian Crusades and Muslim Jihads can now never start before the year 900.The Iron Crown achievment will now trigger when supposed to.Fixed bug where vassals in a revolt did not properly return to their former lieges after the revolt.Fixed bug where revolt vassals could become independent when the revolter died and had his realm split under gavelkind.Fixed bug where revolt vassals could become independent when the revolter died while having no heirs.Patch 2.2.1 was released on the 18th of November, 2014.